Watch out for Marina as she hoops around the rink in the afternoon!
Location: Rink, UBC Robson Square
Type: Entertainment
Marina Tsougrianis, aka Orbit Princess, is a multifaceted movement artist who stands for self love, expression, and liberation through movement. Some of the hats she wears include: performer, teacher, choreographer, and model. Although she has been a dancer all her life, finding hula hoops in 2016 helped her shift from dance student to dance artist. She has since performed at Electric Love, Bass Coast, Groove in the Wild, Earth Daughters’ Festival, VMF Winter Arts, Granville Promenade, and many more events, elevating the vibe of every crowd she graces. She also teaches Sass Classes, Zumba, hula hoop classes, and explorative movement classes in groups or 1:1.